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A Message to Our Students, Faculty, and Staff
July 3, 2020

We are very happy to announce that we’re officially reopening next week! 


We are proud of the steps that we have taken to ensure the safety and health of our students, faculty, and staff.


These measures include:



  • The Main School Entrance (located on Willis Avenue) will be the only entrance that will be used. This entrance is wheelchair accessible. (Our parking lot will remain open, but there will be no access through the parking lot door.) 

  • All students, faculty, and staff will be tested for temperature daily and must be under 99.7℉.

  • Any person who is noted by staff to exhibit flu-like symptoms (i.e. fever, cough, or shortness of breath) will be instructed to leave the facility and seek care if needed.  

  • No visitors will be permitted to visit or accompany students, except for in certain situations. We would appreciate it if parents waited in their cars.  

  • Waiting areas and other communal seating areas are closed for the time being. 

  • Individuals who are immunocompromised or at high risk for COVID-19 will be provided with the option to receive instruction remotely. 

  • We are working to make all of our programs available with livestream or virtual options so you can learn in the comfort of your own home. Please ask for more information about all of our virtual or contact-less services. 



  • Social distancing will be enforced in all classrooms, studios, and public areas throughout the school. 

  • Desks and student seating areas throughout the facility will be kept 6 feet apart where feasible.

  • Transparent shields have been installed where social distancing is not an option, i.e. front desk. 

  • Signs and tape marks (colored tape on the floor) are placed 6 feet apart, to indicate where to stand when physical barriers are not possible. 

  • We have adopted alternating class days and staggered schedules to reduce crowding at facility and classroom entryways. 

  • We will be enforcing strict capacity limits to ensure compliance with social distancing guidelines provided by the CDC. 



  • Face masks are required to enter our school and to participate in any of our off-campus programs. Our team will all be wearing a mask. We would appreciate it if you also followed this protective measure. 



  • Staff and faculty clean and disinfect classrooms, studios, and common areas after each usage. 

  • Staff disinfect high-touch areas like desktops, light switches, doorknobs, etc. periodically throughout the day. 

  • Our certified cleaning service provides top-to-bottom cleaning of the facility at least daily.

  • When an individual is suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19, staff are required to close off areas visited by the ill person, open outside doors and windows, and use ventilating fans to increase circulation in the area, and wait 24 hours or as long as practical (during which time the facility will not be open to students or staff), and then conduct cleaning and disinfection as directed by the CDC’s Cleaning and Disinfection for Community Facilities guidelines.



  • We are maintaining adequate equipment and supplies for staff and students to wash and sanitize hands periodically.

  • Stations with hand sanitizer with 60% or more alcohol content have been placed at the building entry point and throughout the facility.



  • Staff members will be available to provide training and education to all students and faculty regarding COVID-19, including topics such as sanitation, hand hygiene, and social distancing practices and protocols as a condition for resuming in-person instruction.

  • Signs and reminders have been placed at entrances and other strategic areas throughout the facility to provide instruction on hand hygiene, COVID-19 symptoms, and social distancing practices and protocols. 



  • Facility ventilation systems (building heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC system) have been checked to ensure that they are operating properly. 

  • All filters in the HVAC system have been replaced.

  • In an effort to increase natural ventilation, we will be opening windows if possible and safe to do so, to increase outdoor air dilution of indoor air when environmental conditions and building requirements allow. 

  • We have installed portable high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) & ultraviolet light (UVC) fan/filtration systems throughout the building to help enhance air cleaning.



  • We plan to collaborate with local and state officials, including local health departments and local office of emergency management to share reopening plans and revise those plans as necessary.

  • We plan to maintain a daily log of all students, faculty, staff, and visitors to facilitate contact tracing and the reporting of any instances of COVID-19 to local health officials.


We hope that our students, faculty, staff, and their loved ones remain safe and we are excited for this new beginning. If you have any questions, give us a call at (516) 625-3455. 


Best regards,


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